How to Make Lasting Resolutions

We’re now halfway through January. Is it safe to ask you how your resolutions are going? Did you know that a large percentage of people toss their resolutions by mid-February? And in total, less than 10 percent of people find resolution success? But never fear: Achieving your resolutions IS possible!

You Can Make It

For starters, remove the word, “resolution,” from your vocabulary. Sometimes even using this word can cause you not to take things seriously. Instead, use the word, “goals.” If you make a mistake with your “resolution,” you may go ahead and quit. However, when working toward your “goals” for the year, you know obstacles will occur, but you are more likely to stay the course and not give up.

In addition, set yourself up to succeed in your goals. If your goal this year is to lose weight, are you setting yourself up for success with kitchen cabinets loaded with chips and sweet snacks? Not exactly. Clear out the junk food and fill up the cabinets with healthy and filling snacks. Similarly, you’ll need to plan ahead for any goal you set. If your goal is to get more exercise this year, you can’t just expect it to happen. Buy a package of workout classes and schedule them in your calendar like an appointment. And don’t miss your appointment!

Also, don’t forget to reward yourself along the way for small successes. Many people aim to lose weight during the new year. Maybe purchase a new item for your wardrobe after you lose 10 pounds. If you make it to 20, treat yourself to a movie with a friend. And so on.

Are you ready to achieve your health-related goals for 2017? We want to be your biggest supporter. Our urgent care center is opening soon! Once we’re open, come see us about your health and nutrition goals and how you can best reach those goals this year.