Is Self-Care Actually Important For My Health?

It really is, and this is coming from medical professionals!

This year has been so hard on all of us. With the presence of COVID-19 and all of the alterations it has made in our daily lives, the mental and physical health of millions has suffered this year.

However, taking time to care for yourself can fight against these mental and physical setbacks! Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Knoxville highlights why.

What Does Self-Care Mean?

First of all, let’s clear this up: self-care is not the same thing as being selfish. Self-care, as the World Health Organization defines it, is “the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.”

This basically means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can take the right steps in boosting your overall health, both physical and mental. We’ve listed some negative things that can happen if you don’t consistently take time for yourself below.

Negative Effects of Not Consistently Practicing Self-Care

  • Low self-esteem
  • Low energy levels
  • Weight gain
  • An increased reliance on caffeine and other addictive substances

Can Self-Care Ever Be Unhealthy?

It can. Another thing to get straight is that self-care does not equal self-indulgence.

The best way to care for yourself daily is by building and sticking to healthy habits. This means doing things like drinking enough water, getting enough sleep at night, getting an adequate amount of exercise every week and cutting out some of the unhealthy self-care tactics that we’ve listed below.

Unhealthy Self-Care Practices

  • Overextending yourself to please others
  • Zoning out in front of the TV and building an inconsistent sleep routine
  • Engaging in “retail therapy” and totally disregarding your budget
  • Frequent mindless snacking on unhealthy foods and drinks
  • Pushing your body to the limit in workouts for the sake of your appearance
  • Refusing to stay in contact with a community

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Knoxville just wants the best for you! Remember to treat yourself kindly and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any health concerns.