What Diagnoses Can the Lab at AFC Urgent Care Knoxville Confirm?

There are so many illnesses and conditions that can make your body feel out of whack. Frustrating symptoms can appear any time there is something amiss in your body, whether if it is situational, the beginnings of an infection or the development of a disease.

That’s why it is often difficult to diagnose yourself at home! Thankfully, our center is fully equipped with the resources and diagnostic tools needed to get to the root cause of your condition.

Our AFC Urgent Care Knoxville center has a state-of-the-art lab on site that can help us diagnose you faster, so read on to learn more about it.

What Tests Can AFC Knoxville Run?

Having a lab right in our center allows us to take samples during your visit and run them through our machines immediately. This means you can get results in minutes without having to go home to wait for a test result. We offer a variety of rapid tests for the flu, COVID-19, strep and RSV, as well as quick urinalysis and cultures to diagnose infection.

Another common test we can run is called a CBC, or a complete blood count. This test requires a blood sample, and it can tell us a lot! It measures and counts the different blood cells in your body, which gives us a really good baseline about your health. Any sort of deviation from the normal levels can provide us with a quick diagnosis.

Potential Diagnoses After a CBC Test

  • Anemia
  • A variety of infections
  • Immune system disorders
  • Blood diseases

What Treatment Options Are Available for Anemia?

Anemia is one of the most common conditions we diagnose after getting the results back from a patient’s CBC. While our bodies are resilient to change, our diet and lifestyle can sometimes disrupt our body’s natural processes. If you have anemia, it means that your body isn’t producing the proper level of red blood cells that it needs to function normally.

That reduction in red blood cells can lead to symptoms like lightheadedness, fatigue, dizziness and a rapid heartbeat. Thankfully, the treatment for anemia is often a diet change! Increasing your iron intake can help your body produce more red blood cells and get you back to normal quickly.

Diet Changes for Anemia

  • Eat iron-rich foods like lean meat, fish, eggs and dried beans.
  • Consume more folic acid from dark, leafy green vegetables.
  • Increase your vitamin D intake.
  • Take an iron supplement if prescribed.

Have you been feeling faint or lightheaded? Come see us for a quick CBC test at AFC Urgent Care Knoxville.