What Is the Best Way to Avoid Seasonal Allergies?

Have you been spending most of your time indoors due to staying at home and social distancing? While both have been important to help us flatten the curve, it is still vital that we are getting outside for a breath of fresh air and vitamin D—even if it is in our own backyard!

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Knoxville wants you to know the importance of getting vitamin D on a daily basis, as well as what you can do to help combat seasonal allergies when spending time outdoors.

Why Is Vitamin D So Important?

Vitamin D doesn’t just help to improve your mood and lower your risk for anxiety and depression. It also plays a vital role in promoting bone growth and absorbing calcium.

When you have a vitamin D deficiency, you run the risk of having bone pain, muscle weakness and cardiovascular issues later in life. One of the best ways to obtain vitamin D on a daily basis is getting outside and enjoying time in the sunlight!

Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Bone weakness
  • Muscle weakness and/or pain
  • Getting sick often
  • Tiredness
  • Back pain
  • Depression
  • Hair loss

What Are the Biggest Spring Allergy Triggers?

If you’re heading outdoors for a little vitamin D exposure, you will also be exposing yourself to common spring allergens, which may stir up allergies.

Pollen is your biggest enemy this spring. Between the trees, grasses and weeds blooming, the pollen is taking over, which can cause a number of spring allergy symptoms, including symptoms that mimic a cold. Symptoms will last as long as you’re exposed to your allergen, but there are steps you can take to prevent them.

Ways to Avoid Allergies

  • Take medications, as prescribed.
  • Keep a diary of what triggers your allergy symptoms.
  • Stay indoors if the pollen count is very high for the day.
  • Clean air filters often.
  • Take a shower after going outside.

Feeling under the weather? Visit the AFC Urgent Care Knoxville website to book a virtual appointment.