Why Is Breathing More Difficult When You Have RSV?

Upper respiratory infections can be really frustrating because they impact your ability to breathe normally, which is something that we all take for granted on a daily basis! The irritation and inflammation in your airways can cause all sorts of unpleasant symptoms.

There are multiple different upper respiratory infections that you could contract at any time, one of them being RSV.

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Knoxville doesn’t want you or your children to have to suffer from RSV this year, so read on to learn more about this illness and how to stay healthy.

Can RSV Spread Through the Air?

RSV is a viral infection, and the virus can easily be transmitted through airborne particles. A single uncovered sneeze or cough is all it takes for someone else to become infected. It can also be spread through direct contact, so if a friend or relative is sick and he or she kisses your baby, there is always the chance that your child will start to get sick a day or two later.

Staying healthy isn’t a complete guarantee at this time of year, but you can certainly limit the amount of time spent in large crowds and around sick individuals. You should also seriously consider limiting who is allowed to kiss and cuddle your newborn baby.

Early Symptoms of RSV

  • Fever
  • Runny nose/congestion
  • Shallow breathing
  • Cough
  • Muscle or body aches

Does RSV Always Cause Respiratory Issues?

Since RSV settles into your airways, there is always the chance that your breathing becomes affected. While that may just look like a simple cough or throat irritation for adults, it can become serious for children. That is because children’s airways are so much smaller than ours! Any amount of irritation can lead to respiratory distress.

Keep a close eye on your child if he or she has been diagnosed with RSV. While it is important to remember that most RSV infections don’t become medical emergencies, breathing difficulties should always be addressed with a medical provider right away so your child can recover safely.

Warning Signs of Serious Respiratory Distress

  • Shallow breathing or chest contractions
  • A high fever that won’t go away
  • Blue skin or fingernails
  • Loss of consciousness

If you aren’t feeling well, we can help. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Knoxville.